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Agoda Channel Manager: Guide for Hotels

  Posted in Resources  Last updated 27/05/2024

What is an Agoda channel manager?

An Agoda channel manager is a tool designed to help hoteliers optimise their online presence across Agoda’s extensive booking platform. 

By facilitating real-time synchronisation of inventory and rates, an Agoda channel manager (such as SiteMinder) acts as a bridge between your hotel’s management system and Agoda’s booking engine, ensuring consistency and reducing the risk of overbookings through real-time inventory management, rate management, booking management, auto sync, and more.

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Why should hotels consider a channel manager for Agoda?

In a digital age where online visibility directly correlates with booking rates, having a reliable channel manager is crucial. Agoda, being one of the leading online travel agencies (OTAs), provides a vast and valuable audience.

But with this opportunity comes risk: failing to adequately update listing information, particularly availability of rooms, on Agoda (and any other OTAs that your rooms may be listed on), could easily result in double bookings, incorrect prices, and ultimately, disappointed guests.

A channel manager automates and streamlines this process, providing you with a single source of truth from which to update all of your listings across Agoda, syncing it with your existing inventory and ensuring that when guests find your rooms on Agoda, they’re getting the most up to date information available. 

But that’s not all. A channel manager not only streamlines the process of updating your listings but also unlocks the potential for increased revenue through higher online exposure and insightful analytics to understand booking trends.

How does an Agoda channel manager work?

At its core, an Agoda channel manager operates by providing a seamless link between your hotel’s property management system (PMS) and Agoda’s platform. It automates the updating of availability, rates, and reservations across the platform, ensuring that the information displayed to potential guests is accurate and up to date.

In other words, you can log into your channel manager, change any detail for a given listing, and the channel manager will automatically update across the entire Agoda platform. This can be everything from pricing to room descriptions to amenity changes.

Perhaps most importantly, this includes room availability. Once a room is booked on Agoda, the channel manager ensures that it’s taken off the market, eliminating the potential for double bookings. 

In the cases of the best hotel channel managers, this availability is then synced across all other OTAs as well, such as – a channel manager is OTA agnostic.

Control your OTA listings and earn more revenue

Say goodbye to overbookings and hello to maximised revenue with real-time inventory and rate management with SiteMinder’s channel management solution.

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Features of the SiteMinder Agoda Channel Manager

While Agoda channel managers all broadly strive to achieve the same thing – streamlining the hotel management process – not all channel managers are made equal. The SiteMinder channel manager, for example, is designed exclusively for medium to large hotels, addressing key and unique challenges for this sector that broader, less tailored solutions can’t, don’t or won’t.

Here are just a few of the key features:

Real-time inventory management

The heart of effective hotel management lies in the accurate tracking and updating of room availability. Our Agoda channel manager excels in providing real-time inventory updates, ensuring that the room statuses across all platforms are consistent.

This feature significantly reduces the risk of overbooking, a common issue in the hotel industry that can tarnish your establishment’s reputation. Moreover, with real-time updates, last-minute bookings are handled seamlessly, making sure you maximise your room occupancy and revenue.

Rate management

Pricing is a dynamic aspect of hotel management. Our Agoda channel manager comes with a robust rate management feature, enabling you to implement dynamic pricing strategies effortlessly.

Whether it’s adjusting room rates based on seasonal demand, day of the week, or even local events, this feature ensures your pricing remains competitive. Additionally, you can set up special promotions or discounts to attract more bookings during low-demand periods, all with a few clicks.

Booking management

Handling reservations, cancellations, and modifications is a breeze with our Agoda channel manager. The system centralises all booking information, providing a clear overview of your reservations.

This not only reduces the administrative burden but also enhances the guest experience as any changes to their booking are reflected instantly.

Auto sync

The auto-sync feature is all about ensuring consistency across the board. Any changes made in your property management system (PMS) are automatically reflected on Agoda’s platform.

This bidirectional synchronisation ensures that your hotel’s information, whether it’s room availability, rates, or booking conditions, remains accurate and up-to-date on Agoda’s platform.

Analytic reports

Data-driven decisions are key to growing your hotel business. SiteMinder’s Agoda channel manager’s analytic reporting feature provides crucial insights into your hotel’s performance on Agoda’s platform.

Understand booking trends, guest preferences, and the effectiveness of your pricing strategies through comprehensive reports. This feature empowers you to make informed decisions to enhance your online visibility and increase bookings.

Benefits of using an Agoda channel manager

Utilising Agoda Channel Manager through SiteMinder not only simplifies the operational aspect but also propels your hotel into a wider market, ultimately driving growth in bookings and revenue. It’s an all-in-one solution tailored for hoteliers who are keen on elevating their online presence without the technical hassle.

By Shine Colcol

Shine is the SEO and Content Manager of SiteMinder, the only software platform that unlocks the full revenue potential of hotels. With 5+ years of experience in content strategy, Shine has produced informational content across various industry topics, mostly about operations management and continuous improvement. She aims to share well-researched articles for hoteliers to discover how to optimize their time and increase room revenue.

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