The future internet will provide us the opportunity to travel in a whole new way, whether that's through fully-immersive virtual travel experiences or by supplementing our real-world travel experiences with cutting-edge technologies.

With metaverse and decentralized internet tech, travel companies will be able to offer more personalized and immersive experiences to customers. As these technologies continue to advance, they are expected to have a significant and transformative effect on the travel industry.

Let’s explore three key ways the future internet will impact and enhance the way we travel and see the world.

Virtual Travel

Virtual reality (VR) allows us to explore new places without leaving our homes, offices, or classrooms. While this will never replace the magic of real-world travel, there's still enormous value in being able to explore the world without needing to jump on a plane or train or take a long road trip.

For example, Patagonia has created an Oculus Rift experience that allows users to visit the remote mountain Monte Fitzroy, including viewing a breathtaking glacial lake that lies at the foot of the mountain. You might never be able to visit Monte Fitzroy in real life, but this immersive experience gives you the next best thing.

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