Boost Your Labor Efficiencies With Bed Bug Prevention

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In the hospitality industry, bed bugs are a persistent and potentially costly problem. Every guest walking through your doors could be carrying an apple-seed-sized lawsuit, negative social media posting or unfavorable news media spotlight onto your property. Bed bugs disrupt your guests’ experiences and create additional work for your staff members. From calming an upset guest at 2 a.m. to calling your pest control provider and discreetly showing them the suspected room, your staff is pulled away from their daily tasks to work on an emergency.

The only difference between a burst pipe flooding into a room and a bed bug infestation is that your insurance more than likely cover the water damages. In either emergency, your staff becomes overworked and overstressed. However, when dealing with a guest’s bed bug encounter, your team is asked to navigate a potential reputational and financial disaster for the entire establishment—a thankless task. Additionally, they live with the fear that during an inspection of the target or surrounding rooms, bed bugs may “hitchhike” along with them back to their homes. In today’s labor market, retaining your staff by not subjecting them to various hazards becomes more important than ever.

The step to reduce employee concerns is to provide your staff with an ActiveGuard®  Mattress Liner to take home and install on their own mattress or box spring lessening their fears of bringing bed bugs home.  The process to eliminate guest concerns begins with installing these liners on beds throughout your facility, limiting the chances of an infestation on the premises. These liners are the centerpiece of an effective bed bug prevention plan, working 24/7 for two years to keep bed bugs away from your guests. When a female bug comes into contact with the patented fabric, it can no longer lay its eggs. This unique ability stops infestations before they can establish, making ActiveGuard perfect for protecting both your guests and staff.

The peace of mind that ActiveGuard provides effectively serves two purposes: allowing your staff to rest easy so that they will not have infestations in their homes while providing your guests with relief that they will not encounter bed bugs during their stay.  Your staff is also less likely to need personal days for at-home bed bug treatment. In combination, reducing your employees’ stress levels will provide them the ability to improve your guests’ experience.

Over the last few years, hotels have learned how to operate with smaller staffs, due to tightening industry margins. Management and staff have had to take on the greater workload required by a successful hotel. Protecting your staff shows you value them…protecting your guests shows you care.