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Chatrium Hotels & Residences “revolutionise” operations and find success with SiteMinder

  Posted in Case Studies  Last updated 18/03/2024

Chatrium Hotels & Residences is a Thai hotel group born from a passion to distinctively mark the next chapter in the Asian hospitality experience. Bringing Thai warmth and charm to life, Chatrium offers guests a crafted culture, luxurious space and charismatic services.

With eight hotels across the portfolio, guests throughout Thailand will have everything they need. From exquisite rooms, amazing dining options, and fabulous event venues, Chatrium is truly a premium accommodation choice.

After 12 years in operation, we recently spoke to Corporate Director for Revenue & Digital Distribution Pawarisa Hirantanes about the group’s journey and its satisfaction with SiteMinder as a technology partner.

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A foundation built on delivering exceptional guest service

While there are many elements that form success for a hospitality business, including hotel software, Chatrium started with guest experience as a priority.

“To me, a great guest experience is more than just a comfortable stay; it’s about creating unforgettable moments and forming a genuine connection with each individual who walks through our doors,” explained Pawarisa. “A great guest experience is marked by personalised service, attention to detail, and a commitment to exceeding expectations.”

At Chatrium Hotels, delivering an exceptional guest experience is at the heart of everything staff do. Understanding that each guest is seeking a distinctive journey, pride is taken in crafting those journeys with care and precision.

“From the moment our guests step into our hotels, they are welcomed into a world of luxury, warmth, and attention that sets the stage for a remarkable stay,” said Pawarisa. “Our dedicated staff are not just employees but ambassadors of hospitality. They are trained to anticipate needs, listen actively, and go the extra mile to ensure that every guest feels valued and special.”

“Our commitment to personalised service means that we take the time to understand preferences, dietary requirements, and even special occasions, so that we can tailor our offerings accordingly.”

This approach is certainly a lesson for all hotels on how they can strive to make the stay of every individual guest more special. Further to that, it opens up opportunities to unlock more revenue for the business. Collecting data, prioritising attention to detail, and optimising personalisation are all keys to perfecting upsells and ancillary services.

It’s not a one-time income boost either – it can be a lifelong revenue stream if a guest can be turned into a loyal customer. Pawarisa said the key to this is creating authentic connections.

“We don’t just want our guests to feel like visitors; we want them to feel like part of the Chatrium family. Our goal is to exceed expectations and create memories that last a lifetime. From the moment our guests arrive to the time they bid us farewell, our aim is to ensure that their stay is nothing short of exceptional.”

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Overcoming modern day challenges with the help of SiteMinder

For large hotels and groups in particular, efficiency remains a constant hurdle to jump. Unnecessary time spent on manual work, slow data entry, and error-prone admin tasks is not only annoying, but detrimental to revenue performance.

Even for a brand as accomplished as Chatrium, these challenges were not easily solved until SiteMinder was implemented.

“Our constant struggle has been efficiently managing availability, inventory, task management, and online travel agencies (OTAs),” said Pawarisa. “Our previous low-quality channel manager made this an arduous and time-consuming task for our staff.”

“Since implementing SiteMinder our operations have undergone a remarkable transformation. The enhanced features of SiteMinder’s channel manager have significantly streamlined our rate and inventory management processes. The stability of the real-time connection has also been a game-changer, ensuring that our inventory and rates are always up-to-date across all online sales channels.”

“SiteMinder’s unified platform has simplified the entire process, allowing us to manage all our sales channels from one central dashboard. This has not only saved us countless hours but has also reduced the risk of errors and overbookings, providing a seamless booking experience for our guests.”

It’s this power and performance that melts away the headaches of hoteliers across the globe, and makes SiteMinder the industry’s leading hotel platform. By saving time and simplifying the workload on the backend, Chatrium is able to focus more attention on their guests and look more closely at how they grow revenue – the real things the team should be thinking about!

One platform that makes all the difference

SiteMinder’s platform has been designed to meet the specific goals of hoteliers, which is why hotels and groups and Chatrium often see immediate results when it comes to boosting revenue and seeing a holistic improvement to operations.

“I cannot emphasise enough the positive impact SiteMinder has had on our operations at Chatrium,” said Pawarisa. “The time and effort saved, combined with the increased accuracy and connectivity, have not only improved our bottom line but have also allowed our staff to focus on delivering exceptional guest experiences.”

“SiteMinder has revolutionised our approach to channel management and proven to be the ultimate solution for our challenges with availability, inventory, and OTA management.”

It’s not simply power and performance that sets SiteMinder apart however – it’s also knowledge and a dedication to experience. By taking a cue from customers like Chatrium, SiteMinder can recognise the value of delivering a premium experience. It was a thrill to hear Pawarisa say that this goal had been reached.

“One more point I have is to mention the support team,” she said. “I encountered several levels of knowledge on how to provide the best available options or solutions for our clients. Ultimately, I couldn’t recommend SiteMinder enough.”

Thank you Pawarisa and Chatrium Hotels & Residences for this amazing success story! We wish you all the best for the future.

Want unbeatable revenue results for your own hotel or accommodation business? Get started with SiteMinder for free or watch a demo to learn more.