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The latest ranking of passports with the most access to countries for visa-free travel shows Asian countries are vying for dominance, with the U.S. passport stagnating somewhat.

Japan, Singapore, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain have the world’s most powerful passports, allowing visa-free entry to 194 countries out of 227. That's according to the 2024 Henley Passport Index rankings released on Wednesday. 

Henley, a global residence and citizenship by investment consultancy, ranks the world's passports according to the latest International Air Transport Association (IATA) data on the number of destinations their holders can access without a prior visa. 

Japan and Singapore have vied for the top spots in the rankings for the past five years, but four European countries have now joined them to share the top spot.

Passports Offering the Most Visa-Free Travel Qualifying Countries in 2024Number of Nations Providing Visa-Free Access1. France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, and Spain1942. Fi