Skift Take

Keeping passengers interested while not diluting the core safety message is a tricky balancing act. It looks like Qantas may have missed the mark on this one.

Qantas debuted its new air safety video on Wednesday, and it hasn’t gone down well. The Australian flag carrier proudly posted a 10-minute version on social media that instantly sparked criticism. Aside from its length, comments have centered around distracting visuals and vague safety instructions. 

There has been renewed scrutiny of the role of pre-flight safety briefings after the Japan Airlines accident on January 2. The Tokyo-based carrier has been praised for its straight-talking, no-nonsense video, which has been credited with aiding a smooth evacuation. 

The new Qantas film was shot across 14 locations over 40 days, and it shows. The concept is ‘magic places’, with crew and passengers sharin