Stand out to travelers on Expedia Group sites with refundable rates

Flexibility is a major priority for travelers today. Over a half of travelers who responded to a recent Expedia Group survey said they would not book non-refundable accommodation, even if it was discounted.*

A flexible policy can make all the difference between someone booking your listing, or another property’s listing. On Expedia Group sites, your property will show ‘Fully refundable’ or ‘Free cancellation’ in traveler search results. This draws attention to your listing visually, and helps you stand out from the competition.

A refundable rate also gives travelers increased confidence to book with you, and peace of mind in case their plans change. In a recent survey, travelers told us that the ability to cancel and get a full refund if their plans change is one of their top considerations when booking travel.*

Expedia Group recommends offering a 100% refund for cancellations within a short window (two days or less) before the stay date to give travelers maximum flexibility.**

Ready to get started?

It only takes a few clicks to offer refundable rates on Expedia Partner Central extranet.

Be sure to update the corresponding policies attached to your Expedia rates in WebRezPro too, so that reservations coming through Expedia Group reflect the same policy in WebRezPro.

*Source: Expedia Group, 2023 Traveller Value Index

**Contact your Expedia Group Market Manager for additional guidance.